
Erin and her associates tailor their presentations and ministry to two primary audiences:

For those who are looking for love and peace

Everyone has the need to be loved, accepted and honored. From the time we are little, we search for that love. For better or worse, we choose relationships, make life decisions and chart our futures. Without sufficient guidance, resources or ability we may end up making very poor decisions. This includes those who seem successful by American standards and don’t think they need God.

Yet we do need God. Evil is real. The enemy of our souls and those who represent him want to control, abuse and destroy all of us. We are all vulnerable to sexual injury, hopelessness, bondage and death.

We have wonderful news for those who are wounded and weak, along with those who seem to “have it all together.” You are loved by the Triune Creator of the Universe. You can be delivered from strife, anger and fear.  Hope and forgiveness are yours for the asking. Jesus came to heal your broken heart and set you free – and when He sets you free, you are free indeed.

For those who know the source of love and peace

When we first believe, we are “born again.” Then we start learning and growing in faith, hope and love. With the help of mature believers, we can confront and overcome the results of abuse in our lives. We are the “Family of God” and the “Body of Christ.” Jesus expects us to love as He loved. This is especially true of those who have known him for a long time. Yet we may focus endlessly on our own needs rather than the needs of others.

If this is true, we need to repent and follow the Holy Spirit into battle on Love’s behalf. Some of us are called to fight on the front line to liberate the captives and bring them home. Others are anointed to tend to their broken hearts and love them back to life. The time is short. The need is staggering. Yet if we act under the authority and guidance of the King of Kings and Lord of Lords, victory is sure and certain.



Erin is dedicated to sharing these messages in meaningful and lively ways. She uses audio/visuals and will customize the content to the needs of your group. Synopses of each presentation and copies of her dramatic readings and songs are available upon request. This is not a complete list.

Erin would be available to speak at a conference, event or training as well.  Please Contact Us to discuss the possibilities!

Customized presentations:

  • To Know Him is to Love Him
    Dispelling myths about the nature and teachings of Jesus Christ
  • You are the Gift
    Discovering your unique identity, value and purpose in life, in the context of your Creator’s love
  • Unnecessary Suffering – When Christians Abuse
    When Christians Abuse
  • A Season of Influence for the Women of God 
    Rising up with the dignity and strength of amazing women throughout history 

  • Complicated Communication
    Gender differences and how they play out in homes and churches
  • Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is Freedom
    Risk and reward for the people of God
  • A Trafficked Generation
    Reaching and loving our youth in a culture of violence, sexual injury and death
  • Give Me Liberty or Give Me an “F”
    A faith-based approach to academic freedom
  • The Moon is Setting as the Sun is Rising
    My life story

Original Dramatic Readings:

  • Esther
    The Choice of a Queen
  • Reconstructing Love
    A Miracle Within
  • Dancing in the Light
    A Journey from Legalism to Love

 Original Songs:

  • Learn That I Have Loved You
  • He Makes All Things New